JUNCTIONamythos media incorporated

The Junction investigates and explores the culture of death that feeds the violent convolutions that are currently consuming both Israelis and Palestinians. It focuses on a specific location: the Nezarim junction in the Gaza strip; and at a specific moment: the first days of the armed clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in late September 2000.

Released - 2003
Producers - Amit Breuer (Amythos Media), Serge Gordey (Point Du Jour), Ilan Ziv, Luc Martin Gousset, ARTE/ NOGA
Directors - Ilan Ziv
Written by - Ilan Ziv & Elias Khouri
Country of Origin - France / Israel
Running Time - 56'


The Junction investigates and explores the culture of death that feeds the violent convolutions that are currently consuming both Israelis and Palestinians. It focuses on a specific location: the Nezarim junction in the Gaza strip; and at a specific moment: the first days of the armed clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in late September 2000.

It was there that David and Fahmi died - the first Israeli soldier and the first resident of Nusseirat to lose their lives in conflict that has since seen nearly 1,000 Israelis and 3,000 Palestinians killed. Using home videos and memories of family and friends, THE JUNCTION shows the ripple effects on their loved ones and their communities.

David's sister remains angry at the meaninglessness of his death. His parents have left his room untouched, except for changing the sheets once a week. His dearest friend, El'ad, committed suicide. And David's surviving army buddies are disillusioned.

For Fahmi's family, his death is a personal tragedy and one more injustice perpetrated by the Israeli occupiers. His mother's family was forced out of their village when she was a baby, and his uncle decries the misery that follows them from generation to generation.

The narrative spine of THE JUNCTION is confined in space and time, yet reaches far into the social fabric of both societies to explore the culture of death that feeds the political impasse, and the violent convolutions that are currently consuming both Israelis and Palestinians.

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